Yes, I know, Thursday is technically not part of the weekend. However, when school is out and work has not yet commenced the line between weekday and weekend can be blurred slightly. My Thursday was spent, to my great enjoyment, in the kitchen. I managed to end the day with 24+ cupcakes for the end-of-the year kids' program at church,
two brownie-bottom cheesecakes (my personal favorite) drizzled with chocolate,
and dinner for my family. I certainly enjoyed myself and I think it all tasted pretty good :)
Friday we celebrated my highschool graduation. While I was technically done in December and have completed a semester of college, we waited till the spring to have a party. Even though many of my friends couldn't make it, it was still a great party. My grandparent were able to come from Pennsylvania and my cousin came with them.
We had a wonderful dinner of turkey barbecue, potato salad, and seven layer salad.
As I mentioned before, my cousin, Carol Jean, from Pennsylvania came for my graduation party and she and my grandparents stayed until Sunday. We decided to take a trip to Times Square on Saturday.
We got a little bored on the subway, so we took a picture :)
Times Square in black and white.
We didn't see either of these but we're making plans for the fall.....yay Wicked!
I don't think she believed me at first when I told her there was a Starbucks on practically every corner......Now she does.
Later that evening we curled up with bowls (or, I guess, mugs) of ice cream. Ice cream that we got for free....... double yum! Monkey Butter (Banana flavored ice cream with peanut butter) is probably just about the best ice cream I've ever had.
Oh, and who can resist flipping on Pride and Prejudice to close the evening. Cousins, Darcy, and ice cream, *sigh* it was a good day.

Although I do not have pictures of Sunday, it was still a pretty eventful day. We went to church in the morning and afterwards a Chinese buffet for lunch. After managing to get my grandfather to the restaurant (I don't do so well with directions), I proceeded to exemplify grace and took a marvelous little tumble onto the sidewalk. Well, it really wasn't much of a tumble, it was a flat out fall, complete with bloody knee....... I don't know how I did it, but despite the blood and pain it was a fun day. As my grandfather said, "unfortunatley knees heel faster than egos."