I was reading my devotions this morning, and I came across this, "I need to be reminded frequently that my demerits do not compel God to withdraw His grace from me, but rather He treats me with no regard whatsoever to what I deserve. I'd much rather stake my hope of His blessing on His infinite goodness then on my good works." I feel like it is so easy to slump into feeling like we are incapable of doing any good. Everything we do is wrong. And, while we know the grace of God, we don't act in that knowledge. Instead of rejoicing in His grace, we wallow in self pity and self depreciation. How much better would it be to simply acknowledge or failings and and say "but I know the grace of my God."
Also, I loved the last part of the quote above, "I'd much rather stake my hope of His blessing on His infinite goodness then on my good works." Christians argue all the time on whether God chose or "elected" those who would be saved or if humans have free will and make the choice to follow God. While I won't go as far as to say that I think this is a stupid thing to be arguing over, I do believe that Christians spend too much time arguing over it. And for what? I believe in election. But even if I didn't, how hard would it be to accept that some people would rather rely on their salvation to be an act of God than to involve any action on their part. I know me. I like rules because I like structure. But I also don't always like rules that someone else is writing. If it was solely up to me in my sinful nature to choose salvation, I wouldn't have done it. My salvation is an act of grace not an act of my will. But, if you don't agree with me, I don't think that means you're going to burn in hell. So why fight?
Anyway, I'm not quite sure how I got here. But in other news, the last frames I need to finish my room are coming today!!! Oh, and my laptop is coming back from California!!! Yay! :D
Keep on singing,