My parent's are away this week. That means I woke up at 6:15 this morning to make my brother breakfast. And as I sat on the couch around 6:30, with the breakfast casserole in the oven, I thought three things. 1 - I thought about how when I was little, I cringed at the thought of the Proverbs 31 woman who "rises while it is yet night." Who would want to wake up when it's still dark?? But now I realize that 6:30 really isn't so very early. And it was
really dark at 6:30 this morning. 2 - I thought about how much I love casseroles. They just make life easier. 3 - I thought, goodness gracious, it's February!!!!!!
I can' believe it. It seems just yesterday I was anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving! I mean, I had a wonderful winter break. Yes, it was busy, but I loved it! But I still can't believe it's over. I'm a junior in college. When did that happen??? Though I shouldn't complain because today may very well be my third snow day of the semester.
And, while I can't believe it's February 2011, I kind of wish it was February 2013 . . .
Keep on singing,
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