I started this post in late June. It never got finished. Because one of the many things I learned this summer was that real friends are more important than internet "friends." I always told my dad (who claims Facebook and texting are the downfall of human communication) that the main reason I had a Facebook was to maintain close ties with the friends I met at Pinebrook and live far from. Well at Pinebrook I still have friends that I'm missing, but I also have friends there right in front of me. I spent time with "real" friends this summer and it was wonderful. So that kept me off of Facebook.
I originally started my blog as a way of documenting the events of my life - a journal of sorts. And while much happened this summer that I never want to forget. I recorded most of that by hand. Some will get copied to here, but not all. Because it takes time.
And I've learned that there are many more important things than the internet.
Keep on singing,