When I started this blog, it was with the purpose of documenting my growth and my thoughts along the way. Well, despite the fact that I haven’t updated this old blog since May, this summer has caused some major growth in my life. If I were to blog about all that has happened since May, this post would never end. Suffice it to say, all that has happened in my life this summer has forever changed my life. This summer has matured me, inspired me, strengthened my convictions, and made me love my Saviour even more! However, it has also caused me to look closely at my actions, words, and thoughts. And, while I know this summer will be good for me in the long run, it has also made me wonder whether or not I’ll come back next summer. You see, as much as I’ve grown, there has been a lot of pain involved in the happenings of this summer. Someday soon, I’ll start sharing in greater detail the events that have helped me grow, but for now, I’m not ready. The novelty of some thoughts are too great and the pain of others are too great.
This summer is far from over. The end is still far away, and I know that between now and the end there may be much more pain. But I also know that there will be more chances for me to grow. God has surrounded me with dear friends who support and love me. And in return I get to support and love them. A quick shout out to three guys who I work with (you guys are the greatest and your friendship means the world to me!), my wonderful group of girls (you girls inspire me to be a better friend and Christian, and I love you soooooo much!), my two favorite dining hall hostesses (you two have been my prayer warriors this summer, and I can’t thank you enough!), and my parents (you have supported me and prayed for me this summer, I love you!). And although most of these people will never read this, I just had to share with you how wonderful they are and how much I appreciate them!
Keep on singing,