Friday, January 27, 2012

What's this? Me, appreciating Shakespeare??

I have made it clear that I don't like Shakespeare. But this sonnet I appreciate.

When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, 
I all alone beweep my outcast state 
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate, 
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, 
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, 
With what I most enjoy contented least; 
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state, 
Like to the lark at break of day arising 
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
     For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
     That then I scorn to change my state with kings.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sometimes you just need to wear purple shoes. . .

Week one of senior year--done! Only a bunch more to go. I had some trouble accessing my online courses this semester. By the time I could, I already felt a little behind. Add to that the podcast in which the professors declares "this will probably be the hardest class of your college career. Be prepared," and I had a stellar weekend. However, I did find a collection of poorly made, but nevertheless helpful, free audiobooks of Shakespeare's plays. These should help my understanding of the plays.

Yesterday, I finished The Great Gatsby. I found it thoroughly depressing and said so on Facebook. That post gathered more comments than anything I have posted recently both in support of the book and in support of my dislike. I like discussing literature with people, but I'm not a huge fan of writing papers about it. I don't usually dig deep enough into "what the author is trying to say." Can't he just be trying to say what he said?

Highlight of the semester so far: my boyfriend got a new computer so we can now Skype again. This makes me beyond happy. I'm pretty sure those weekly Skype dates will be one of the main things that gets me through this semester.

I didn't want to come into work/school today. So I brought my purple heels. I say brought because there's no way I'm wearing these things on the train, so I wore flats and changed once here. Happiness is cute purple heels.

And that, my friends, is a picture of what my mind looks like today. You can thank me later.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Learned On My First Day of Senior Year

1. Any attempt to save money by taking coffee with you to school instead of buying it once at school is a waste of time. You will just finish the coffee from home during your commute and just want to buy more once you get to school. All this means is that instead of two cups of coffee this morning, I had three.

2. Nyack will, at least once every semester, somehow manage to mess up. This year's attack of choice? Inability to access my online courses of which I have three.

3. I did not (despite the many times I try to convince myself) miss school. I missed friends. I might even have missed work. I did not miss school.

4. Happiness is new folders.

(To be completely honest, I already knew this fact. However, I was reminded of it today.)

5. Don't get too excited over new purchases lest you crash rapidly from your purchase induced high when one of the products turns out to be less than stellar. Down one folder. . .

5. Always keep a back-up pair of earrings somewhere safe in your bag. Loss of earring can take an outfit from cute to bummish in about five seconds flat. Also, loss of earring makes you sad.

6. Pay attention to where you step. You may just find a missing earring.

7. Jesus was a fantastic teacher. Seriously. Go read the book of Mark.

8. When you arrive home super late and freezing, don't forget the stash of very chocolatey chocolate cookies from your baking-to-avoid-thinking-about-the-future craze of two days ago. They might just make your night.

Keep on singing,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Good Goodness

I'm a college senior.

When did that happen? Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to be this close to done. However, it really hit me yesterday for the first time. I'm a senior. In one year, I will be a college graduate joining the throng of Americans desperately searching for a job.

I'm a planner. I like to have plans, and I like planning. That being said, I'm usually fine when God takes my plans and spins them upside down (which He's done on occasion), but I still like to have a plan set. I have no plan past December other than find a job. Not a very concrete plan. But where? How? Do I look here in New York only to leave in (hopefully) a year or two? Or do I start looking in Pennsylvania and go through all the extra work of getting PA certified, learning how to drive, and having to find an apartment. Do I try to get into a school mid-school year, or just find a job at a tutoring center or daycare to start with and work from there? There are too many options, too many variables.

I was crazily thinking through this last night before bed (not a good plan). My wonderfully amazing boyfriend suggested that I pray about it. Of course, he's right. I've been trying, but I'm still not good at this trust thing. I still want a plan. So I sniffled myself to sleep (not a full out cry, I'm not that pathetic. Just a little frustrated sniffling), curled up with my stuffed giraffe named Leopold. Yes, I have a stuffed giraffe name Leopold. Isn't he cute?

Anyway, I spent most of today trying desperately not to think about the future with minimal success. Though I found that this led to a pretty productive day. I went shopping and made pesto, bruschetta, and chocolate cookies. Now I am blogging. With chocolate cookies.

 It's not all bad.
