When did that happen? Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to be this close to done. However, it really hit me yesterday for the first time. I'm a senior. In one year, I will be a college graduate joining the throng of Americans desperately searching for a job.
I'm a planner. I like to have plans, and I like planning. That being said, I'm usually fine when God takes my plans and spins them upside down (which He's done on occasion), but I still like to have a plan set. I have no plan past December other than find a job. Not a very concrete plan. But where? How? Do I look here in New York only to leave in (hopefully) a year or two? Or do I start looking in Pennsylvania and go through all the extra work of getting PA certified, learning how to drive, and having to find an apartment. Do I try to get into a school mid-school year, or just find a job at a tutoring center or daycare to start with and work from there? There are too many options, too many variables.
I was crazily thinking through this last night before bed (not a good plan). My wonderfully amazing boyfriend suggested that I pray about it. Of course, he's right. I've been trying, but I'm still not good at this trust thing. I still want a plan. So I sniffled myself to sleep (not a full out cry, I'm not that pathetic. Just a little frustrated sniffling), curled up with my stuffed giraffe named Leopold. Yes, I have a stuffed giraffe name Leopold. Isn't he cute?
Anyway, I spent most of today trying desperately not to think about the future with minimal success. Though I found that this led to a pretty productive day. I went shopping and made pesto, bruschetta, and chocolate cookies. Now I am blogging. With chocolate cookies.
It's not all bad.

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