Friday, December 31, 2010

The Blizzard and the Gathering

It has snowed. A lot. Like tons. Like my dog can’t walk outside for fear of being lost in the snow. This snow arrived on Sunday night into Monday and my dear city has been crippled ever since. There’s great uproar over the poor management of the snow removal and according to my dad after things cool down “heads will roll.”
Normally, I love when it snows! And while I still couldn’t resist the magic that is a white, snow-covered world, I wasn’t exactly thrilled that the blizzard chose this of all weekends to make it’s appearance. I mean surely it could have waited till it resulted in a snow day from school, right?? Alas, such was not the case. But more than the snow day, I wanted to be able to head over to Hatfield, PA for the Ziegler Family Gathering. My mom’s side of the family (and her mom’s beyond her) gather at this time every year for food, fun, and fellowship. I can’t remember I time that we missed this gathering and the Christmas season wouldn’t be the same without it.
So, about a day after the snow dropped on our city like a bomb, my brother and I began the task of digging out our vehicle hoping (at least I was) that when we finally did free the car from the snow’s icy grip that it would be able to handle the snow that was left on the road. We had yet to test out this van’s snow driving capabilities. We successfully freed our car and began our trek to PA. With only a couple struggles (we had to dig out at one point) and after seeing some astounding sights (we passed a bus that had been stuck since Sunday night), we managed to make it to the highway for what we figured would be free sailing, or, you know, driving.
Well it wasn’t quite free and clear from then out. The NJ Turnpike bogged us down quite a bit and our 2 hour trip took 4 hours instead. Good thing we left extra time!
We finally made it and it was well worth the stress. My family is quite a group when we all gather together. I think the total number reached about 75 this year. We even make a pretty decent choir. I’d show you the video but it’s only on Facebook and that link doesn’t work. But you can take my word for it that it was a good night. Especially, because I got to introduce this young man to my family!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I’m not insecure!

I’m just always obsessing over what people think of me and how I compare to other people. Oh wait . . .

Insecurity. It’s not a word with which anyone likes to associate themselves especially Christians. As a Christian, I link my insecurity to a complete lack of trust in God. Being a PK and kind of an MK (i.e. my dad’s salary comes from the support of fellow Christians who are led by God to support us), I’ve learned a lot about trust. My daddy truly has taught us to live by faith. Sometimes I don’t like the way he provides and I think my way would have been far better, but He always provides! Yet, somehow when it comes to trusting that I really am “good enough” because I’ve been cleansed by Christ’s awesome work on the cross, well, let’s just say that I have a heard time believing it. I do believe in the sense that I know full well that it’s the truth. But I allow my self to wallow in self-pity and insecurity - I’m not “good enough,” I’m not “thin enough” I’m not “pretty enough,” I’m not “smart enough,” and I am absolutely in no way “godly enough!”

Most single women sort of live with the delusion that having a boyfriend would make most of that go away. Now, I knew this wasn’t true. Believe it or not, I’ve always been a strong proponent of you know, not relying on a guy to make you happy. I’ve known people who did that and guess what?? They’re not happy. I also know people who flit from boy to boy hoping that one will give them what they want. They still haven’t found him. So I knew entering a relationship would not instantly erase my insecurities. However, I didn’t expect it to make them worse. But it did. So know I wallow in fear and insecurity – I’m not “good enough” for him, I’m not “thin enough” for him, I’m not “pretty enough” for him, I’m not “smart enough” for him, and I am absolutely in no way “godly enough” for him!

And the saddest part about that?? It doesn’t come from him; it comes from me. He calls me brilliant, tells people I’m awesome, and shows his friend from work my picture. But I, I’m convinced he’s wrong.

How dare I? What gives me the right to be so prideful? Because that’s what it comes down to really.

Pride. It’s a word that makes me squirm even more than insecurity. After all, we can blame our insecurity on other people. But pride? That’s all you. I’ve heard every excuse in the book for insecurity (e.g. my mother always told me I was fat) and most of them are extremely viable causes of insecurity. But I’ve never heard anyone say, “I’m prideful because so-and-so made me this way.” The mere thought is ludicrous. Pride is a focus on self. Pride sucks all the joy out of real accomplishment by making us feel like we ought to have done that well. It also doubles the pain when we fail. Even our insecurity about other’s actions are prideful. It’s all about how their actions relate to us. Why didn’t he call?? Is he bored of me? Why did he look at her? Does he think she’s prettier than I? Why didn’t my friend want to hang out? Is she bored with me? Me, me, me-me, me!!!! It’s all about me.

Why do we never stop to think that maybe he didn’t answer because he’s at work, or that maybe he stared at her because her shirt was hideous (guys do notice such things at times), or that maybe your friend has a killer load of homework/work. Nope, it can’t be that. Must be me. I’m tired of it. I don’t want it to be about me anymore.

I need to stop focusing on how everything reflects on me and start focusing on how it reflects on my Saviour. John Piper puts a slight twist into the response to the catechism that states the goal of mankind on earth – to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. Why can’t I let that be enough for it surely is. I need to stop finding joy in what others think of me and start finding joy in Him. After all, “for in [God] I take refuge. I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from You.’” Psalm 16:1b-2

Goodbye, Insecurity. You have been a terrible friend.

Friday, December 24, 2010

What Child Is This?

Well I'm a horrible blogger. It's a good thing I don't have that many readers!!
This fall has been extremely busy in wonderful ways! I started my fourth semester of college in September. I was just beginning to think that I should start looking for a job when my professor offered me a part-time (10 hours a week) job working for the Education Department. I couldn't have asked for a better job! I loved working with my professor, and I did lots of photocopying and data entry which I actually really enjoy. I enjoyed all but one of my classes this semester which was surprising as I only "planned" on liking two. However, next semester already looms in the distance, and I dread it. My professor told me on Tuesday that I would make a great teacher but she saw me as more of a researcher. I'm not sure where she came up with that . . .
Anyway, perhaps the reason I did not blog for so many months was that I had nothing of interest to share. As you can see, almost all of the past three months was summed up in one paragraph. And the only other major thing that happened in those months officially happened a week ago. And although I expected it was coming, it was certainly not something I was going to blog about!

So what is the major change in my life that happened last week you are asking? Well remember that rather horrible summer I wrote about here?? Well that horror resulted in something I never expected.

I have a friend. We've been friends for years and known each other for longer (like 10 years)!! Summer of 2009 would probably be when I really began to consider him a close friend however, as we worked on the leadership team together at Pinebrook. We both came back for summer 2010 excited for what God was going to do! I was convinced going into this summer that something amazing was going to happen. Well this summer was not the amazing summer we expected it to be though we both grew in our faith immensely as a result! However, even more than growth, God brought something amazing out of this summer. Our relationship. I got to know Eric so well this summer, and we found that in addition to having a ton of things in common (likes/dislikes, humor, hopes for the future), we were the humans that God used to help the other one survive this summer. And so I think, if He can use us in each others lives to that extent in summer 2010, how much more can He use us if we're together for longer?? Apparently Eric thinks the same way because last week he spoke with my dad and last weekend we started dating.

I don't know what this means fully for my future. But I know that we've both said that dating is not for playing around. It is serious. And so we are serious - serious about seeing if this is what God has for us, serious about seeking God's will in the matter. Won't you join us in prayer?

So that has been my fall. Exciting stuff for sure! I just got all my grades in yesterday and am quite happy with the result. Now it is Christmas Eve, and I can hardly believe it came so fast! Christmas is my favorite holiday. It astounds me to think that the Saviour of the world came to earth as a little baby. Can you imagine what it must be like to have cradled the King of the Universe in your arms and rocked your LORD to sleep?? It boggles the mind. And so, on this Christmas Eve (or whenever you read this) I challenge you to stop, ponder what Christ gave for you, and worship Him! Find your joy in Him. Glorify Him! And remember what the Psalmist said in Psalm 16, "I say to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.'"

Eternally grateful for the good He's brought to me this year,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Soft Answer

Proverbs 15:1 & 28
A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.

Seems a funny thing to say, but when I'm gone over the summer my relationship with my family is excellent. I miss my family and we catch up on the phone or web chatting. In these, sometimes hour-long, conversations the little things don't bother me. When I'm home, everything bothers everyone. It seems no one can say anything that doesn't set someone off. Our answers are anything but soft or studied. And you know that family that everyone thinks is perfect, but on the inside they're messed up? Yeah, well that's not even us. Sometimes we're the shortest and snappiest with each other in front of others. This ought not to be. When I watch how my family functions I rarely see love. Ouch. There are few things in a Christian's life that should cause more pain than the realization that an aspect of your life doesn't fall in line with what God would have it to be and doesn't bring glory to God.

I love my family, more than anything in this world. But I don't always show it in my actions and words.

It is not enough to say "I love you." We must show "I love you." Love is shown through actions, service, hugs, gentle speech, and the embracing of dreams simply because they are the dreams of someone you love.
My dear family,
     I love you! I make mistakes and I don't always show it. Today I commit to trying anew to show you love in all I do. As I pray for you, won't you pray for me? Pray that the love of Christ might shine through me, through us.
I love you!

Take a look at your family. Are you showing love? Are you speaking in love? Would you want God to hear your family's daily conversations? Because he does. Is He glorified? Can I challenge you today to love? Can I challenge you to live every day in the knowledge that family is a gift from God, a gift that isn't promised for tomorrow? Love your family!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Feeling Foolish

Have you ever done something so dumb you just felt like the biggest idiot on the face of the planet? Well that's how I felt this morning with tears and all. And then I thought, what can a learn from this. So, in a moment of frustration, I pulled my study Bible off the shelf and flipped open the topical index to look up stupidity. Nothing. And then I thought, stupidity isn't really a "Bible word." So I looked up foolishness and sure enough, there it was. And then my brilliant plan backfired. My topical index led me to Mark 7. Here's what it said in Mark 7:21-23 ~ For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man." Wow. Foolishness is right up there with adultery and fornication. Who da thunk? And at first that just made me more depressed. But then, I thought about it some more. If I can think of foolishness as part of my human nature, then my foolish actions are covered under the grace of God! Does that mean that I can go around without thinking of my actions and doing whatever I want? As Paul would say, "Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" (Romans 6:2). However, it does mean that I don't have to freak out every time I make a foolish decision. For "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). And even if I can't seem to forget that stupid mistake I made. God can. Hebrews 8:12 "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On This Day

September 11. The mere uttering of this date evokes somber faces, anger, and tears. Every year on the anniversary of this date there is a ceremony. A ceremony at which they read all the names of the people who lost their lives on that day. It shows on every channel we get in our house and goes on for hours (as I type it's been going on for almost two hours and they're only at the G's). And I can't help but wonder, is this really beneficial? Don't get me wrong, what happened on that day ten years ago was a national tragedy, a tragedy that left all Americans feeling unsafe in their own homes. And yet, they're still gone. No matter how many times we read their names and wish them back, they're still gone. I work with young children, children who are so young they have no recollection of life before 9/11/01. What does this mean to them? Not much, it's history to them. I have a friend whose birthday is tomorrow and I've often wondered, what was his 7th birthday like back in 2001. Did he really understand what was going on? Could he comprehend why no one was celebrating on his birthday?

These thoughts leave me feeling cold and heartless. This is my city, my neighbors, shouldn't I feel more patriotic? Shouldn't I watch this ceremony with tears streaming down my face? But I don't. The only thing about this ceremony that makes me want to cry is the terrible theology of the people reading the names. Hearing people tell their dead loved ones that they are praying for them, that 9/11 was fate, that maybe if It had been another day they wouldn't have died, asking them to help the family still on earth is what makes me want to weep. If these people only understood the grace of our great God.

And then I realize, they don't. They don't understand the grace of God . . . and chances are neither did their loved ones. And that makes me want to weep. Terrorists attacks are tragic, but far more tragic is the number of people who died not knowing my Savior. And so I understand why these people recite names. Maybe I would too if I didn't have faith in my awesome God. But as for me? I've moved on. On this day, I'm not going to spend hours mourning the lives lost. A few moments of respectful silence is all I need. On this day, I'm going to live for those who live with me. I'm going to hug, love, and care for the ones who actually need the hugs, love, and care. And I'm going to pray. But not for those who are already gone; I can't do anything for them. I'm going to pray for those whose lives are not yet lost, for those who still have a chance to learn of the love of my Savior.

Won't you join me?

Friday, September 10, 2010


"My business is to show love to others, not to seek that others love me." Robert C. Chapman
Seeking love for self is merely a showing of pride. To think that love is owed to me by others is to think that I am worthy of love. I am a sinner saved by grace, there is nothing lovely in me. As I love, I am displaying God's grace to others. To live as Christ lived is to show love. God is love. Therefore, I ought to be love. There is no love in pride except love for self. May God love through me!

Keep on singing,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Worth It All

Every once in a while you come across something that makes all the negative things worthwhile. This summer, that was true of me. Or rather, I came across seven someones that made all the negative things worthwhile.

Keep on singing,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Therefore I hope in Him

This summer was a hard one, harder then I ever imagined a summer could be. And yet, I learned so much. Hopefully as I continue to reflect on the summer past I will find much to share. But for now, I have one thing. Towards the beginning of the summer, right as things started to getting tough, a dear friend directed me to Lamentations 3:21-24 This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"
Great is Thy faithfulness!! This passage has power and evokes great emotions. There is even a famous hymn based on that part. However, the part that meant the most to me this summer was verse 24 - "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" No matter what comes down the pike (and it was a lot this summer), I can have hope for the Lord is my portion. I give all to Him because He gave everything for me. That is what I learned this summer. The future is in His hands, not mine. He is my portion, therefore I have hope.

Keep on singing,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lost Dreams Regained

Since I was a little girl

I've had these wonderful dreams

Dreams that formed and shaped

Who I strived to be


But I made a mistake

I put those dreams in front of You

I made them first and put you behind

I lost perspective


Now I realize

Your dreams for me are far better

Than anything I have planned

You have control


And if this is all there is

You're still in control

If this is all there is

I will be happy


If this is all there is

I will be content

If this is all there is

It is more than enough for me


All that I need

You give to me and more

I just need to remember that

Your plans are best



As the days come and go

I see all my dreams fulfilled

Not in the ways I planned

But in ways far greater


You've filled my life

With variations of my dreams

It may not be what I had in mind

But it's better than I imagined


And if this is all there is

You're still in control

If this is all there is

I will be happy


If this is all there is

I will be content

If this is all there is

It is more than enough for me


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hurt. It’s a word that I don’t like to talk about. Nothing is supposed to be able to hurt me. I serve the Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth. How dare I feel hurt by mere humans? And yet I do. Sometimes (like now) I just want to curl up in a ball and forget that there are other people in the world. And the stupidest part is that the pain I feel is mostly caused by myself. I set up unrealistic expectations from people and then I’m hurt when they don’t live up to my plans. This summer I got used to certain people never letting me down. But now, the people letting me down are the people I love the most this summer and I don’t know what to do about it. I hurt. They probably don’t even know what they’ve done. In fact, they haven’t even done that much. But what most people don’t realize about me is how very insecure I am. Like extremely insecure. So my friends are talking about something, around me, but not too me. And I freak out because I feel like they don’t trust me enough to tell me. Because apparently, they don’t. And I hurt. My friend, my friend who told my mother that I helped him survive this summer, keeps going back to the friends who ditched him. And I hurt.
When does the knowledge that God is enough reach to the heart? I’ve said it; I know it; I believe it. So why isn’t that good enough? Why do I still hurt?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Growing in E. Stroudsburg

When I started this blog, it was with the purpose of documenting my growth and my thoughts along the way. Well, despite the fact that I haven’t updated this old blog since May, this summer has caused some major growth in my life. If I were to blog about all that has happened since May, this post would never end. Suffice it to say, all that has happened in my life this summer has forever changed my life. This summer has matured me, inspired me, strengthened my convictions, and made me love my Saviour even more! However, it has also caused me to look closely at my actions, words, and thoughts. And, while I know this summer will be good for me in the long run, it has also made me wonder whether or not I’ll come back next summer. You see, as much as I’ve grown, there has been a lot of pain involved in the happenings of this summer. Someday soon, I’ll start sharing in greater detail the events that have helped me grow, but for now, I’m not ready. The novelty of some thoughts are too great and the pain of others are too great.
This summer is far from over. The end is still far away, and I know that between now and the end there may be much more pain. But I also know that there will be more chances for me to grow. God has surrounded me with dear friends who support and love me. And in return I get to support and love them. A quick shout out to three guys who I work with (you guys are the greatest and your friendship means the world to me!), my wonderful group of girls (you girls inspire me to be a better friend and Christian, and I love you soooooo much!), my two favorite dining hall hostesses (you two have been my prayer warriors this summer, and I can’t thank you enough!), and my parents (you have supported me and prayed for me this summer, I love you!). And although most of these people will never read this, I just had to share with you how wonderful they are and how much I appreciate them!

Keep on singing,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunflower Patch QP’s

Once again I’m posting for Johannah. Here are the QP’s that she made for me using my Sunflower Patch kit. The download links are below the previews. Enjoy!



***Download links have been disabled***

Keep singing,

burgundy signature (Small) (Small)


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Digit Scrapbooking Quick Pages

Hi everyone! This is Johannah's mom posting for her while she's away during the summer months. One of the things that you may not realize about Johannah, is that she has become a digital scrapbooker! I think that I got her hooked when I became a digital scrapbook designer. Anyway, I twisted her arm to become part of my team (although it didn't take much twisting!) and design some pages for you. All you have to do is plop your pictures behind the open spaces and you are all set! Here are the layouts that she did and then below them you will find the links to download this set of Quick Pages.

***Links have been disabled***

We are not quite sure why the second image is so blurry because the quick page itself is not, but . . . And in case you are new to digital scrapbooking, the second download link is only for those that use the program Scrapbook Max! You can head over to my blog to click on a link to download a 30 day free trial of this great program. (This is the program that Johannah uses to scrapbook!) If you like the program, I would appreciate it very much if you would purchase it through my blog! Thanks.

Enjoy and be sure to leave my lovely daughter some love and thanks.

Keep on singing,


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Happy May Everybody!!
Can you believe it's May already? I can't. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled, just shocked.
Now that I'm done with school, I can start planning the devotions I'm doing with the girls this summer. We have devotions 6 nights a week so I've got a lot to come up with. I think I'm going to do a book study because when I was under a counselor the summer I got the most out of devotions we did a book study. I'm also looking into studying what our denomination believes. Not the whole book, it's too much. But what we call the Articles of Faith. So many of the youth I work with every summer don't really know what their church believes. We should. Anyway, that's my thoughts for today. Sorry if that was too boring for words. It helped me to think it out :)

Keep on singing,

Friday, April 30, 2010


As of yesterday, I am officially 3/8 of the way through college! I can't believe it but, I'm so very excited about it! Yesterday also marked 1 month until my friend's wedding! I can't believe it, but I'm so very excited about it! Today marks 1 month until I start my summer job! I can't believe it, but I'm so very excited about it! Hmm, seems I've developed I theme here.....

So did you figure out what I was doing here? Well, I was working on my final project for my Educational Psych course. It was a lesson plan that I did on past tense verbs. I know, riveting right? Trust me, it was better than the other project I worked on last week. Plus, I managed to work in a Dr. Seuss book. Good stuff  :)

Today, I'm enjoying my first full day of being done with school! It's been wonderful--complete with iced coffee! Hope your day was just as wonderful!

Keep on singing,

Monday, April 26, 2010

What I've Been Up To

I don't have time for much of an update. Suffice it to say that the weekend was fantastic! I promise more about that later. For now, can you guess what I've been up to?

*Hint: It's finals week, and I'm and education major.

Keep on singing,

Friday, April 23, 2010


Sorry that I've been pretty much MIA this week. Only one more week of classes and that means tons of final papers and projects. Luckily I've been able to get it all done. We'll see about next week. *sigh*

This weekend I'm heading up to my favorite place in the Poconos--Pinebrook!

It's the annual Ladies' RefresHer. Lame name I realize, but always a ton of fun. Perhaps it is foolish to go away the weekend before finals, but I probably wouldn't have done any work this weekend anyway. I procrastinate like that. At least this way I can have some fun with my Mom :)
See you all on Sunday . . .or Monday!

Keep on singing,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Project April Update

Happy Monday everybody!! Last week was a busy one. I had to write the first draft of my final paper for College Writing 2 and then I spent much of Friday and Saturday baking for my brother's friends, the Men of Churchill. They always come to our house near the end of the semester for a home-cooked meal. My mom does the cooking and I do the baking. We like it like that. Though tonight I'm doing the cooking too, chicken here I come. I love cooking chicken. It's kinda a weird thing to love, but there's so much you can do with a boneless, skinless chicken breast :P
Anywho...... what does that have to do with Project April? Well, it means that pretty much no new organization has taken place in my room. And that baking? Let's just say it made me terrified to get on the scale this morning for my Monday weigh-in. But guess what?? Down 2.6 pounds! Yes! It's a good day :)

Keep on singing,

Friday, April 16, 2010


I missed out on linking up with Raw(e) this week because I was in the middle of working on my final paper for College Writing 2. But I thought the theme was really cool. I like the idea of taking a picture with a theme in mind. So . . . that being said, I took a picture anyway :) This week's theme? Shoes.

Keep on singing,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Interesting Fact

A friend of mine shared this interesting fact with me on Sunday. It is especially interesting to me as a Brooklynite. Thought you all non-Brooklyn people might be interested too.

Keep on singing,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Project April Update

I just got done doing the shred so I'm in cool down, drink tons of water mode. I figured now was a good time to update you all :)
I'm officially down 5 pounds which is exciting but not quite as much as I would have liked by this point. I keep telling myself I'm adding muscle with the shred but who knows . . .
This week is going to be crazy busy with school. But, as we all know, you can't sit for 8 hours straight doing schoolwork and not take some breaks! Today, I spent my breaks finally organizing that last drawer of my desk and I must say it looks great! Here's some before and after pics!

As you can clearly see, this drawer was full of junk. I pulled it completely out to make sure I got everything and could wipe the whole thing clean of pencil shavings.

 Now, here it is nice and organized. As I said I pulled everything out of the drawer and sorted it into piles based on function. From there, it was easy to see what belonged in the drawer and what had gotten thrown in there, which, unfortunately, wasn't much. Almost all of it went back into the drawer. But now you can see what's there!
Even the back of the drawer that I can never reach anyway is organized!

This makes me happy :)

Keep on singing,

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today . . . after two days of glorious summer weather, it is raining.
Today . . . I am stressing over the fact that I only have three more weeks to finish all of my school projects.
Today . . . I am tired.
Today . . . I have to spend eight total hours in the car.

BUT . . . .

Today . . . after two days of glorious summer weather, it is raining. I love the rain!
Today . . . I'm realizing that I have only three more weeks in the semester!
Today . . . I have coffee!
Today . . . I have to spend eight total hours in the car and at the end of the first four? I get to see three family  members from Michigan and meet a new family member from Brazil!!!! I'm sooooooo excited!

See? It's all about perspective.

Keep on singing,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Have This Friend. . .

 And she's the bestest in the world!

Can you tell that I love her?

Keep on singing,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A New Kind of Idol

When Christians talk about idol worship we always mention things like money, television, and people. But I've been thinking about something else that can become an idol, something no one ever mentions when listing potential idols. Something almost everyone idolizes at least at some point in their life. The scale. I've been dieting and exercising and I feel great. But one trip to the scale can send me into a tailspin of negative emotions, frustration, and even anger. Every time I walk into my room I see that scale, that little square of plastic and other inner material that screams at me telling me I'm doing a terrible job, I'm a failure, I can't do it. And yet, I continue to step on, continue to judge myself by what the scale "says." I hang on it's every "word" like it's a . . .well, like it's a god. I won't do this anymore. So today, the scale is going in my parents room. I will step on it once a week and that's it. And if it tells me something I don't want to "hear" I won't let it destroy my day. I can't. Enough. I'm "smashing" this idol!

Keep on singing,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Over here at Sailor & Company there's this little thing called Raw(e). Every week a theme is chosen and bloggers link up to share their raw, unedited photos. I heard about it over here. I thought I'd give it a try. This week's theme is Around the House. So I picked one of my favorite things from around my house. My bookshelf :) Okay, I know, I'm weird. But what can I say, I love me some books!

Keep on singing,

Project March Update . . . Say What?

Okay, I know. It's not March. But, I owe you all one final project March update! Not that you all really care that much :P
Anyway, the journaling went pretty well over all. Those 5 extra credit points really push a girl! Only about 17 days left and I've guaranteed my (much needed) extra credit points.
The devotions everyday did not go so well. In fact, it went pretty terribly. I really need to find a way to work that into my everyday schedule. It's not as though I feel distant from God. In fact, for the past year and a half I've felt closer to God and felt I have a stronger relationship with him then I ever have. Yet, I know this is something that I'm supposed to be doing. . . or is it? I know I'm supposed to be growing closer to God and everyone always tells you that the way to do that is through a personal daily devotion but . . . What do you think? How do you stay close to God in your everyday walk?
Next part of Project March, my room. It is currently clean. However, beyond those two drawers I did back in the first week of March I haven't gotten any further in organization. I still have one desk drawer, six dresser drawers and one whole cabinet. *sigh*
And that diet? Well, it's going okay. I've been really frustrated recently with our scale. I was slowly losing, in fact I was down a whole 5 pounds and then suddenly it added back the five pounds plus two more! I was so frustrated because I hadn't over-eaten or anything. The only thing I can think of was that I'd done the 30 Day Shred two days in a row and maybe I was gaining muscle. But still, not that much muscle! Stupid Scale. I think I'm going to rename the 30 day shred the 20 pound shred cause there's no way I'm moving past level one after only 10 days. It's killer! My cousin calls it the "Death Workout" :D
So, needless to say, all four of my March goals will be continuing to April and it's now--Project April!! Just what you guys wanted to hear right?

Keep on singing,

Monday, April 5, 2010

First April Post . . .

 . . .the one in which I feel terrible for not posting for a whole week and missing the start of a new month.

Oh well. Such is life. Life. Yesterday was Easter although that is a forbidden word in our house. It's Resurrection Sunday not Easter Sunday. And I'm all for that. I get that Easter was a pagan holiday. But somehow wishing someone a blessed resurrection just sounds funny. Like hope you rise well. I don't know; it just sounds funny. Nevertheless I'm the first one to text my friends a "He is Risen" and I am thrilled to the core when they text back a "He is Risen Indeed, Hallelujah!" I think Easter (Resurrection, Christ-rise) Sunday or whatever you call it has got to be one of my favorite holidays. Ever. Think about it, outside sunrise service + breakfast with everybody at church + great hymns + new clothes = one amazing holiday! For my new Resurrection get-up this year, we bought a top at Walmart and my mom made a cute skirt to match. She's so talented! And my daddy picked me out some new matching jewelry from Avon. Such a good Daddy! Hope you had a "Blessed Resurrection!"

Keep on singing,

Monday, March 29, 2010

Two Months.

Two months from today, my friend is getting married. Two months. From today. She's getting MARRIED?!?!?

MARRIED, People!!

When the heck did this happen??

Keep on singing,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Willing to Try

I didn't post yesterday. It was a long day. I was really tired. I was stressed. I was full of questions. Today, I'm better. It was still a long day. But I'm not as tired or stressed. And those questions that were bugging me? Well, they're still not answered. But they don't bother me anymore. I guess it was just one of those days.
Yesterday, I tried out Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I had heard about it on some blogs and then my cousin mentioned it to me last week on our spring break trip. She said it was tough and she's thin so I knew it would be hard. Man, is it hard! I did it again today and I am sooooo sore!! And, of course, the day I try this new workout our scale malfunctions. Good times. Oh well, I'm willing to try pretty much anything if it'll work. We'll see how this goes.
Keep on singing,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Project March Update 2

 Last week was . . . a disaster in terms of Project March. I got absolutely no room cleaning done, devotions and journaling went out the window, and while I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either. I'm blaming it on the fact that the first half of the week I was sick and the second I was on spring break, but that, as I said, is just an excuse. This week has been better. I have done devotions and journaling everyday except Sunday (I was still on spring break :P ). I haven't had much opportunity to clean my room because I've been so busy with school, but I haven't let it get any worse either. The diet and exercise has been going great! I've drank my 64 oz. of water and exercised every day. I've even managed to stay inside my calorie and carb ranges! In addition to the weighted hula hoop, I have added another new form of exercise, and it's much more fun than your basic walking--more about that later perhaps. Project March will definitely be extending into April, May, June, ect. However, it's gonna be worth it!

Keep on singing,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Breathe, Just Breathe

I'm just a little bit stressed right now . . . Okay, that's a lie. I'm really stressed right now. It just really hit me how much work I still have between now and the end of the semester. Add to that the stress of trying to lose some weight before the wedding and prepping for the summer and you've got one stressed Johannah! I just keep telling myself to breathe. God will get me through I know, but right now. Whew. Stress!

Keep on singing,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wouldn't It Be Nice

 I've had this song stuck in my head since watching a movie at my cousin's house last week. It's so cute :)

Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know its gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
The happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending...
Wouldn't it be nice?

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray... it might come true
Baby, then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do...
We could be married and then we'd be happy,
Wouldn't it be nice?

You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it...

Wouldn't it be nice?

Keep on singing,

Monday, March 22, 2010

13 Things That Made My Spring Break Amazing!!!

1. Family

2. Gourds!!!

3. The Coolest Bookstore Ever!

4. My Own Personal Copy of One of the Coolest Books Ever  from the Coolest Bookstore Ever!

5. Coolattas
6. Flip-Flop Weather - See Photo #1

7. Walks in the Battlefield

8. Chick Flicks

9. Pistachios from Free Food

10. Laughter

11. Our Own Personal Gourd

12. A Random Picture I Took That I Love

13. Oh, and Did I Mention Family??

 Keep on singing,