But I digress. This post is not about a television show, but rather about the glee that my newest toy has brought me. At the end of this summer, I broke down and bought an ipod touch. I wasn't sure I understood all the hype about Apple products, but considering the fact that all my friends who had ipods seemed to love them and the fact I have a small obsession with touch screens (small things for small minds) when my friend mentioned he was selling his 32GB ipod touch I just couldn't resist. I didn't even mind that it is engraved with Dann on the back. In fact, I think it's kind of funny.
Well for someone who wasn't an Apple believer, I fell quite quickly for this incredible machine. And being the music lover that I am, it thrills my soul that all of my music fits onto this one little machine and is incredibly organized. But that's not what really got me. What could thrill me more than a perfectly organized music library you ask? The answer: a perfectly organized life. My ipod syncs with google calendar. Every little event that I have, my dad has, my brother has, and my boyfriend has syncs to this tiny little machine and I know exactly what is going on with a tap of my finger. I LOVE THIS. Be still my organization-obsessed heart! Glee!!
Now if it can just help me beat that whole procrastination thing. . .
P.S. I refuse to write an entire post on Hurricane Irene. However I should probably acknowledge it's existence (for posterity's sake, you know) by reporting that for the entirety of Saturday night (the worst part of the storm) I slept with my window open and only felt water come in once. The only damage to our property? A few overturned tomato plants.
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