So here are my current thoughts. . .
1. It's October. I love October because I love fall. October has some totally wonderful things in it including my dad's birthday and my parent's anniversary. Also, I got to wear a sweater today while I had candles lit in my room, and I didn't start sweating two minutes after putting the sweater on. Score. Oh, and apparently, fall is the most romantic season (at least this is what my boyfriend tells me he heard somewhere). Don't know how it won out over winter which has Christmas and practically screams for curling up on a couch in front of a fire, but I'm okay with it. I'd be more okay with it if said boyfriend wasn't two hours away . . . which reminds me, can it be December now?
2. My iTunes keeps skipping. My brother tells me I should back up my files lest my computer crashes. Oh joy.
3. Homework is depressing. Homework is depressing because I never want to do it. It is depressing because by the time I've complete all the reading and writing it entails, I rarely have any desire to do two of the things I enjoy most--reading and writing. But even more depressing than this fact is the realization that even if I had no homework to do, I wouldn't have anything better to occupy my time. Oh what an exciting life I lead.
4. Last night I skyped with one of my good friends. We haven't talked like that in about 8 months which is far too long. There are few things that would have made me happier than that chat. One would be the chance to skype with my boyfriend, but his computer is dead so that's not happening anytime soon.
5. I just had to read statements on the egalitarian and complementarian views of male/female relationships for my Christian Thought class. One I though of quoting as my Facebook status; one I though of tearing up and throwing out my window. Can you guess which is which?
6. Before reading the above statements, I was reading an article for my Writing Theory class about how good writers manipulate the rules of punctuation in order to add emphasis. The author's intentional misuse of semicolons and dashes certainly added emphasis. It also made me even more emphatic that I hate it when people overuse semicolons and dashes. I had to take a break hence the reading of the above statements and the writing of this blog post.
I think that's it. And as you can see, three out of seven of my current trains of thought have to do with homework. *sigh*
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