Thursday, March 21, 2013

Introducing. . . The Kid, Or How I've Spent the 3 Months Since Graduation

            Last summer, I was a nanny for the cutest little two-year-old on the face of the planet. I mentioned her here and began to refer to her The Kid, or The Kiddo. Toward the end of my time with them, The Mom told me that they were looking into buying a house on Staten Island with a basement apartment for a live-in nanny. While they knew this would be a pretty big change for me, they wanted to offer me the position because The Kid and I got along so well. So I prayed about it and talked about with my family. While I knew I could make more using my degree in the public school, a position was not guaranteed, and I did love The Kid quite a bit. After a few months in which The Family interviewed another nanny and I completed most of my student teaching, they offered me the position and I accepted. So, the day after officially finishing my college coursework, I moved into my new apartment, and two days after, I started my new job.
            I've been here three months now, and I can officially say I LOVE my job. The Kid is brilliant, hysterical, and adorable. And I'm only a little biased ;) Considering most of my time is spent with this wee one, she'll probably provide me with a lot of the material for this here blog. So I thought I should introduce her. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you already know A LOT about The Kid. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some of the longer funny stories on here. For obvious reasons, her picture won't appear here, but I'll tell you a bit her. She'll be three in June, she loves singing, dancing, Disney, swimming, and Adele. So we spend our days singing, dancing (to Adele), watching/reading/playing/dancing to Disney, and talking about when it will be warm enough to go swimming. We're also working on learning our alphabet and counting. Have I mentioned she's brilliant?

I may not post pictures of her, but I can post pictures of what she does to me, or in this case, makes me wear.
Apparently, the green St. Paddy's Day shades weren't enough. We had to add the bunny ears.


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