Friday, June 21, 2013

Nanny Confessions

  1. Sometimes I tell The Kid she can play for ten more minutes and then tell her time's up after five.
  2. I don't always know what type of animal her cracker is, so I make it up.
  3. Sometimes The Kid asks to do something that I don't want to do, so I tell her we can do it after her nap hoping she'll forget. Sometimes she does, and sometimes she doesn't.
  4. Nap time is as much for my sanity as it for her rest.
  5. I like when she wants to play outside because she tends to play more independently outside and I can work on my tan (or lack thereof).
  6. I really wanted to put on my swimsuit and join her in the sprinklers at the park today.
  7. She loves bath time. I hate it.
  8. I time how long it takes me to get her to sleep at night. Partly because it helps me to know how long she's been trying/fighting me, and partly because I'm always trying to beat my personal best (by the way, it's two and a half minutes).
  9. It's really hard not to laugh when she says inappropriate things ("Me no even like this friggin' thing in my friggin' mouth).
  10. I will never get tired of hearing her say "dear, God" during her nighttime prayer in her tiny, little Brooklyn accent ("dear, Gawd")


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