At my church, we have four young boys who come to church without their parents. They don't all come every week but we usually have at least two. Well this week we had all four. Since they come without their parents they usually sit with me and I try to keep them in line. One of the little boys is only four so he has a really hard time staying focused through the sermon so I usually let him color. It works pretty well until he decides he wants to tell me something about his picture and he completely forgets he's in church so he speaks at full volume.
The message today in church was taken from Acts 15. This passage is the one about the Jews who started teaching that Christians must be circumcised in order to be saved. Then Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and James all testify to work that God has been doing among the uncircumcised gentiles disproving the claims of those Jews. Acts 15:1 says "And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, "Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved." The speaker (an elder in our church not my dad, the pastor) said from the very beginning these Jews were wrong because the rules of circumcision were given not to Moses but to Abraham!

The little four-year-old looked up at me and I expected him to tell me something about fish being yellow or Jonah being all brown (his color choices). Instead, as he looked up at me his eyes got large and he said, "Abraham Lincoln?"
Sure Bud, God gave the rules of circumcision to Abraham Lincoln . . .
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