March! Boldly going where no . . . Johannah? . . . has gone before!
What is "march." Well, it's a month, the third one in the year to be precise. It's a verb meaning "to walk or proceed with measured, regular steps." And, apparently, as I learned last night from my trusty Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary, a noun meaning "frontier." This new knowledge (because apparently I have an obsession with dictionaries and looking of the "real" meaning of words) led me to look up the definition of frontier. And, while I found the normal definition we all think of, that of unsettled land, I also found this definition - a new or unexplored area of thought or knowledge. Well that got me thinking. It's the first day of March - a new month, perhaps a new start? And here I am trying to work on transparent living, this lifestyle that involves a completely different (dare I say, new) way of thinking. This kind of change doesn't happen overnight. I don't go to bed on February 28th saying tomorrow I will be different, better, transparent, and wake up March 1st changed. Rather, a lifestyle change is something that needs to take place slowly, with measured, regular forward motion.
How fitting that I should truly begin this march into a new march in the month of March! Transparent living here I come! Just let me get there with regular, measured steps!

How fitting that I should truly begin this march into a new march in the month of March! Transparent living here I come! Just let me get there with regular, measured steps!
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