This fall has been extremely busy in wonderful ways! I started my fourth semester of college in September. I was just beginning to think that I should start looking for a job when my professor offered me a part-time (10 hours a week) job working for the Education Department. I couldn't have asked for a better job! I loved working with my professor, and I did lots of photocopying and data entry which I actually really enjoy. I enjoyed all but one of my classes this semester which was surprising as I only "planned" on liking two. However, next semester already looms in the distance, and I dread it. My professor told me on Tuesday that I would make a great teacher but she saw me as more of a researcher. I'm not sure where she came up with that . . .
Anyway, perhaps the reason I did not blog for so many months was that I had nothing of interest to share. As you can see, almost all of the past three months was summed up in one paragraph. And the only other major thing that happened in those months officially happened a week ago. And although I expected it was coming, it was certainly not something I was going to blog about!
So what is the major change in my life that happened last week you are asking? Well remember that rather horrible summer I wrote about here?? Well that horror resulted in something I never expected.
I have a friend. We've been friends for years and known each other for longer (like 10 years)!! Summer of 2009 would probably be when I really began to consider him a close friend however, as we worked on the leadership team together at Pinebrook. We both came back for summer 2010 excited for what God was going to do! I was convinced going into this summer that something amazing was going to happen. Well this summer was not the amazing summer we expected it to be though we both grew in our faith immensely as a result! However, even more than growth, God brought something amazing out of this summer. Our relationship. I got to know Eric so well this summer, and we found that in addition to having a ton of things in common (likes/dislikes, humor, hopes for the future), we were the humans that God used to help the other one survive this summer. And so I think, if He can use us in each others lives to that extent in summer 2010, how much more can He use us if we're together for longer?? Apparently Eric thinks the same way because last week he spoke with my dad and last weekend we started dating.
I don't know what this means fully for my future. But I know that we've both said that dating is not for playing around. It is serious. And so we are serious - serious about seeing if this is what God has for us, serious about seeking God's will in the matter. Won't you join us in prayer?
So that has been my fall. Exciting stuff for sure! I just got all my grades in yesterday and am quite happy with the result. Now it is Christmas Eve, and I can hardly believe it came so fast! Christmas is my favorite holiday. It astounds me to think that the Saviour of the world came to earth as a little baby. Can you imagine what it must be like to have cradled the King of the Universe in your arms and rocked your LORD to sleep?? It boggles the mind. And so, on this Christmas Eve (or whenever you read this) I challenge you to stop, ponder what Christ gave for you, and worship Him! Find your joy in Him. Glorify Him! And remember what the Psalmist said in Psalm 16, "I say to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.'"
Eternally grateful for the good He's brought to me this year,
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