One of the hardest parts of “growing up” is realizing that
your parents aren’t perfect. As a child growing up in a relatively stable home, your
parents may tell you something you don’t want to hear, but you don’t think of
them as sinful. However the truth of the matter is they are. Every human is.
This is not the place (and there really isn’t an appropriate place) to compose
a list of my parents failings. But I know they exist. This knowledge presents
me with two options: dwell on their failings and become bitter and jaded or be
aware of their failings to guard against them in my own life.
I have this
dream of what my future life will be, and it involves me being perfect. Talk
about an unattainable goal.
But I can by the grace of God, be
better than my ancestors. I can learn from the past. Yet I will not live out
this learning in my adult out-on-my-own life if I don’t begin and practice now.
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