Monday, September 5, 2011

In Which I Question the Holidayness of Labor Day

I'm a huge fan of holidays, but I've got to admit that Labor Day is kind of lame. I feel like it's Memorial Day Part 2. Only as part two, it's less exciting and more depressing. I mean, Memorial Day is like a summer kick off holiday. Labor Day? Buh-bye summer. Since I LOVE fall, you wouldn't think I'd care so much, but it also means back to school. It's just sorta like holiday non grata in my book. It's a little like groundhog day. (Though this summer I met a friend whose family actually celebrates Groundhog Day with a cake and everything. Epic? I think so.)

But it does mean that I get some family time. That's a plus. Oh, and this morning we're going for breakfast with my best friend and her cousin who is also my friend. I'm excited for this.


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