My parent's are still away. But today I only had to wake up at 6:45. And as I sat on the couch around 7:00, with my cup of coffee in my hand, I thought three things. 1 - I thought about how just yesterday, I was thinking that the idea of being the Proverbs 31 woman who "rises while it is yet night" was seeming far less daunting then ever before. But now I realize that the 6:30 darkness of yesterday probably had more to do with the weather then I thought. I wasn't so dark this morning at 6:45, and I'll I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and go back to sleep. So much for my inspiring thoughts on Biblical womanhood. 2 - I thought about how much I still love casseroles. They just make life easier, especially when there's only two people eating it so it lasts for at least two days. 3 - I thought that being an adult doesn't mean no more sleepovers with your best friend. It just means that you and your best friend confess to each other a few days before said sleepover that you're going to have to take some hours out of your hang out time on Saturday to do homework.
This is my reality. Yesterday was snow day number three. And when I got the official cancellation email from my professor, I suddenly wished we just had class. So. Much. Homework.
So, while I still can't believe it's February 2011, I
really wish it was February 2013 . . .
In other news, Staten Island Chuck did not see his shadow so supposedly spring will come six weeks early. My question is, how accurate can this system be when the groundhog doesn't see his shadow because the sky is all cloudy with an
ice storm!!!
Keep on singing,
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