Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Love Fall: Episode 2

Fall is wonderful because it's the perfect season for hot apple cider! It's as if Dunkin Donuts is trying to feed my obsession.

It is cheaper than a latte, cheaper than iced coffee, and no more expensive than regular coffee. Yum. Apple flavored things in fall are excellent. Now if only I had no homework, a good movie to watch, and a snuggle buddy. Now that would make it truly fall.


P.S. Notice the totally cool new Macs we have in the Ed lab at Nyack Manhattan?? Fantastic.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I think we are quick to forget the power of voices. We argue often over whether the written or face-to-face communication is better. In support of the face-to-face communication goes the statistic that something like 90% of communication is through body language. In support of the written word is the idea that writing allows for revision – erasing the poorly formed thoughts and sentences – allowing us to put our “best” self forward. But we have forgotten voice. If I can see you speak, but can't hear the tone, if I can read your words but not hear your voice, I have lost something.
           Last year on 9/11, I wrote about how seemingly pointless is was to me for the name of every life lost on that day to be read year after year. By the time I thought through completely, I came to an understanding of why some might find it helpful, but I still did not. As a New Yorker, 9/11 recollections haunt my life throughout September. It was a tragedy, but I was nine. And to be honest that probably contributes greatly to fact that the reading of those names stirs very little emotion in my heart. It’s not that I don’t care. I just couldn’t properly understand and therefore couldn’t be fully affected by what happened ten years ago. I was nine.
            I’m nineteen now, almost twenty. I understand more fully now what happened on 9/11 than I did ten years ago. But my memories will never be as emotional or haunting as the memories of those who understood it as they lived it. But the voices are haunting. The tapes of those in control towers who frantically attempted to understand why planes weren’t responding, why they were crashing into buildings. The voices. . .
            Voices have power. Your voice has power. Whether you’re writing or speaking, the emotion conveyed through your voice is powerful. Be careful how you use it.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Learn from Them

One of the hardest parts of “growing up” is realizing that your parents aren’t perfect. As a child growing up in a relatively stable home, your parents may tell you something you don’t want to hear, but you don’t think of them as sinful. However the truth of the matter is they are. Every human is. This is not the place (and there really isn’t an appropriate place) to compose a list of my parents failings. But I know they exist. This knowledge presents me with two options: dwell on their failings and become bitter and jaded or be aware of their failings to guard against them in my own life.

            I have this dream of what my future life will be, and it involves me being perfect. Talk about an unattainable goal.

But I can by the grace of God, be better than my ancestors. I can learn from the past. Yet I will not live out this learning in my adult out-on-my-own life if I don’t begin and practice now.

            So I will strive to be perfect. I will never get there on this earth, but I am called to try. God commands us to “be holy for I am holy.” In life and faith, we have a tendency to put things off. This calling shouldn’t wait till Monday, a new month, a new year, or the beginning of adulthood. It must start now.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The One In Which I Lament My Lack of Photography Skills

 It's been raining all week. Everyone around me seems to be complaining about it even if they don't have a flooded house. I personally think rain is beautiful. I just wish a had the mad photography skills I would require to properly photograph the beauty that is rain. Still, I will enjoy it today.

Today is the first official day of classes for me. I only have one tonight, but work before that. My class tonight is Writing Theory and I'm super excited because I love the professor and am friends with most of the people I know are in the class. Plus there's only 12 students in the class. I love small classes.

This semester I have two online classes. I never wanted to take online classes and now I'm taking two, and I'll have to take another one next semester. One of the classes is called Christian Thought. The first assignment: post a theological question you've always wanted answered. . . Already I'm stuck. I'm the kind person that when a question of that import crosses my mind I answer/have it answered to my satisfaction asap (act swiftly, awesome pachyderm). I have no idea what to ask. What would you ask if this was your assignment??


Monday, September 5, 2011

In Which I Question the Holidayness of Labor Day

I'm a huge fan of holidays, but I've got to admit that Labor Day is kind of lame. I feel like it's Memorial Day Part 2. Only as part two, it's less exciting and more depressing. I mean, Memorial Day is like a summer kick off holiday. Labor Day? Buh-bye summer. Since I LOVE fall, you wouldn't think I'd care so much, but it also means back to school. It's just sorta like holiday non grata in my book. It's a little like groundhog day. (Though this summer I met a friend whose family actually celebrates Groundhog Day with a cake and everything. Epic? I think so.)

But it does mean that I get some family time. That's a plus. Oh, and this morning we're going for breakfast with my best friend and her cousin who is also my friend. I'm excited for this.


Friday, September 2, 2011

I Love Fall: Episode 1

Fall is my favorite season. And no, I refuse to listen to your excuses about pool days in summer, blooming flowers in spring, and cozy evening by the fire in the winter (okay, you might have me on that one if fireplaces were legal in New York. . .). Fall is the best, period.

Why? Well surely it has nothing to do with the fact that my birthday is on the first day of fall. . . I wouldn't stoop to such a petty reason. ;) Besides, in my mind, fall starts on September 1st.
I could go on and on about why fall is the best. But today I will only give one reason.

Various pumpkin flavored coffee drinks. Heck, yes. I have perfected homemade iced coffee just in time for pumpkin spice coffee creamers to make there appearance. For the win.


P.S. I have shamelessly jacked the above image on the left from another website. Nevertheless, I could totally have taken almost the same picture in my kitchen. But, my picture thievery led me to discover that this totally wonderful creamer is gluten free. I don't know if my cousin with celiac disease is as pumpkin obsessed as I am, but she will totally be hearing about this.